How to Ensure Your Data Center’s PUE Calculation is Accurate

A key metric in determining the efficiency of your data center is power usage effectiveness (PUE). Understanding the PUE calculation – developed by The Green Grid, information consortium and global authority on resource efficiency – is essential for successful data center management. PUE calculation involves dividing the amount of energy used to power the entire data center by the amount of energy drawn by the IT equipment. Ideally, those numbers should be as close as possible to get a PUE reading that is close to 1 (meaning that all of the power is being used by the IT equipment). For [...]

How to Ensure Your Data Center’s PUE Calculation is Accurate2021-12-15T19:53:13+00:00

How to Optimize Your Data Center’s Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)

Data centers are massive power consumers, and managing power usage has become an increasingly important factor in managing overall data center costs. Data center power efficiency is gauged using power usage effectiveness (PUE), a measure developed by The Green Grid. Improving PUE requires an investment in intelligent power distribution infrastructure. Most data centers run at a PUE of 2.0 -- so for every dollar of energy used for the IT resources, another dollar is used on energy for operating and cooling the facility. A highly efficient data center can get its PUE score down to 1.3 or 1.4. In our [...]

How to Optimize Your Data Center’s Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)2021-12-15T19:59:33+00:00
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